Research at Hidden Vale Research Station focuses on developing solutions to globally significant challenges facing our natural environment.

Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, researchers aim to understand the factors contributing to native wildlife survival and reproduction, and to develop and implement effective interventions to enable environmental conservation.

Research themes

Researchers undertake projects at Hidden Vale Research Station in four broad themes:


Our researchers are able to access and contribute to a long-term biodiversity monitoring program which aims to make it more efficient, cheaper and more accurate for monitoring diverse species.
Property managers need to understand how restoration and control of invasive flora and fauna species contribute to building a healthy and resilient ecosystem. We are a destination for studies that trial and quantify the benefits different methods of Our researchers work to develop more effective ways to eliminate invasive weeds and animals, and better protect the property from fire.
Our researchers undertake projects to develop best-practice for managing threats and breeding or releasing animals.
Researchers study restoration ecology to identify ways to make beneficial changes to the environment that will have flow on positive effects for all ecosystems. This is particularly important in fragmented ecosystems where human impact has been high. Scientists are developing methods of understanding how soil, revegetation, fire and weeding affect the ability of natural systems to recover after fragmentation, helping contribute to tomorrow's sustainable restoration solutions.

Research projects

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